maandag 14 maart 2011

Bake it baby

Since you can not watch movies without food I'll give you some nice recipes! First thing you should make (it is even sort of healthy!) Is my own recipe for fruit salade.

What do I need?
First of all you should just use all the fruit you have in your kitchen. (your parents will love you since the fruit they bought is finally to be used!)
Then you need chocolate sauce.

So what do I do next?
Just slice all the fruit in pieces and then put it in little bowls or plates and finally put the chocolate sauce over the fruit. And it is delicioussss :)

This is what it could look like:

Another thing I made was scones, aaaah scones :D
I had this almost ready package for home made scones. So I only had to add some water. But I did put raisins and dark chocolate in the dough and it was amazing. It was sooo good, you should try it for sure :)
This is what they looked like:

Well bon appetit ,
bye byee!

zondag 13 maart 2011

Make yourself comfortable for those movies

I would be repeating myself is I'd say it is quite a while ago since my last post . But this doesnt make it not true :) Sorry, I've just been quite bussy lately.
Altough I have been busy I did have time to watch a lot of movies! So I'll make a little list of movies I watched and you should/could watch as well!

We'll start with The American with George Clooney! The movie is quite different then other movies, it is made by Anton Corbijn, a photographer, so the images which are used are amazing. Every shot in the movie is a beautifull picture. Altough the plot itself is not very interesting you just had to keep on watching because of the images and because you actually had NO idea what will happen. This is just an amazing movie when you don't feel like doing anything and you really don't want to see a failed romcom or a heavy action thriller.

After the amercian we have another type of movie, Love and other disasters. I really enjoyed the movie, altough it might be a little predictable it is a funny and nice movie! I would say it is the movie you could watch when your with a few friends and you do not have anything better to do! And by the way you should really take a look at the trailer, haha :D

And well since it was almost valentines day, quite a while ago yeah haha. I also watches Valentines day. The movie structure looks like the structure of Love Actually. But in my opinion no movie can beat love actually! But they did a nice job and it sure was a nice movie to watch!

Oke people have fun watching movies! And I will be back soon since there are a lot of other movies and series I watched, books I read and recipies I tried :D
Bye byeee